Who is Karly Nimmo?

No.1 iTunes Podcaster

Karly Nimmo is a No. 1 iTunes podcaster, with three hit shows; Karlosophies, Keeping Good Company (now wrapped) and Make Some Noise. She’s a serial entrepreneur, mad creator, born communicator and connector with a crazy knack for getting you to connect to your truth and see life from a different perspective.

After the biggest failure of her life, a coworking space in Byron Bay that almost cost her every cent she had and her life, Karly took her background in radio, 15 years experience as a voice over artist and agent, and sat down behind the mic to chat with friends, and herself, to explore the stories behind success.

Karlosophies hit No. 1 in a matter of days. And the ride was wild. Everyone and their dog started coming to her to ask for help starting their own podcast, so Radcasters was born in 2015. It was a raging success and in the first year or so Karly worked with over 100 podcasters. But then things ground to a halt.

No matter what she tried, the mounting costs and pressure to 'make it happen' all got a bit too much. After 4 back to back launches with not a single sign up, Karly found herself in her GP's office, hooked up to an ECG, thinking she dying of a heart attack. Something had to give.

She closed Radcasters and walked away from email marketing. Started a successful mastermind with her business bestie, Lisa Corduff... wrote and published 'Memoir of a Mediocre Life' as an audiobook, created a audio program; Find Your Freq, and ran regular sold out retreats. But she did miss her work in the podcasting space.

In late 2018, Karly completely rebuilt Radcasters and started working 1:1 with people - both in the podcasting space, but also with entrepreneurs, senior executives, personal brands and thought leaders, to help guide and direct their energy and live life on their frequency.

Then, fascinated with the links between creativity and mental health, Karly bit the bullet and launched a new podcast, Make Some Noise in early 2019.

Through her podcasts, retreats, events, and coaching, Karly acts as a guide to connect you back to the truth of who you really are... so that you can stop playing the role of who you think you need to be, and express who you REALLY are out into the world.

Over the past decade Karly has dedicated herself to getting to know, like and trust herself. She has been a faithful student of the human spirit - her own, and those around her... and can help you find and live on your frequency.

Karly is available for:


- intuitive guidance/coaching
- workshops
- speaking gigs
- podcast teaching/mentoring
- podcast interviews
- book deals
- private retreats

  • I've been fortunate enough to attend a retreat run by Karly. The experience is unique. Karly offers great fun and a natural warmth that makes people feel instantly at ease. She's so easy to talk to, I've told her things I've not ever told anyone before. And there's no pressure. Who what and where ever you are is totally fine when you're with a group run by Karly. Karly has a knack for bringing out the best in people, for gently allowing them to realise their potential, and any blocks that could be subconsciously standing between them and their dreams. It's hard to put into words how she does this - it's a magic that you'll just have to discover for yourself. Trust in Karly, she's the real deal.

    Alison Hoelzer
    Alison Hoelzer Photography

  • I’ve had the super pleasure of working with Karly Nimmo for the past 2 years. Initially I decided to work with her because of her experience ‘doing and achieving’ the things I want to do myself. What I rapidly discovered is that Karly brings SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Whilst she draws on her own experience personally and professionally she also draws on something much deeper – a highly developed intuition and gift for seeing and feeling beyond all the ‘doing’. Working with Karly allowed me to become much freer with who I was and am being, freer to play, to rest, and to trust my instinct as I continued to grow my business. Far more than a coach or consultant, Karly is an artist who uses her gifts to help you discover and share yours. She also says the F word a lot.

    Shandra Moran
    The Transit Lounge

  • Real human sharing real life and real emotions. Loving the honesty of our shared existence.

    Inner Nut Shell

  • There's a lot of hot air in business and plenty of talk about mammoth success, but very little real life background stories about the people behind the myths. I love Karly's approach to speaking openly and honestly - and inviting her guests to do the same - on failures and set-backs in business and how to keep on keeping on.

    Brook McCarthy

  • A great podcast that inspires and gets the creative juices flowing! It inspires everyone to want more out of life, as well as being progressive in business careers. Keep up the great works!

    Ronsley from @wearepodcast

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