
What could you do, in a year, if you had someone on your team that 100% had your back? Where would you be, in a year, if you were part of a circle of rad AF humans who saw you in your highest good and held you in that place?
Well, that’s what I’m creating with FREQUENCY for 2019. I’m taking a group of 6-8 fucking amazing humans on a journey to find and stay on their frequency.
Let’s be very fucking real here. You’ve got the knowledge. You don’t need strategy (though you’ll absolutely have access to it - and be able to feel into whether that strategy sits on your frequency), what you’d truly benefit from is support. Emotional support through what can be one crazy fucking rollercoaster ride.
Imagine walking through 2019 with a group of people who get you and who’ve got you. And with me, as your space holder and guide. I’m loyal as fuck. Offering unconditional love... with a little side of no bullshit.
Frequency is two fold. It’s the way we choose to live and do business on our own terms. But it’s also about the frequency with which we show up... for ourselves and our community.
If you feel like I’m your person and you’d like to learn more or apply, click the link and apply. Never any pressure. You know if I’m for you. I’m not here to convince you of anything. Your free will decides. Let’s get your freq on.


50% Complete

Two Step

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